The Great Forest Park Balloon Race, 2018
I have wanted to fly in a hot air balloon for some time now! The first race I remember seeing happened in Pershing, Missouri. They put on such a good event that I was completely hooked on the experience. There’s just something magical about looking up and seeing these colorful orbs float above you. I had the opportunity to fly in the Great Forest Park Balloon Race at Forest Park in St. Louis in 2018 and it was magical.
The thing that surprised me the most is that is was so quiet and smooth. I should have known as they do not fly if the conditions are anything but perfect, but for a person who is afraid of heights it was still remarkably peaceful. We took off in front of the art museum at the Grand Basin and flew southwest until we had a relatively (by my standards) hectic landing in the rubble of Crestwood Mall. There was still a lot of rock and rebar there! Thankfully everyone and the balloon was ok.
Here are some photos I took. Enjoy!